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Kids/Teens Night Out!
For kids 4-14 yrs old. Go grab dinner while the kids enjoy a night of artmaking and pizza!
EndedEndedThe Crow at 110
From 30 US dollars
From $30
Service Description
Inviting all kids 4-14 years old (flexible ages but must be bathroom independent) for a night of Artmaking and Crafting. Kiddos will have the opportunity to engage in several process-based activities as well as enjoy pizza and a movie. This month's projects include a bestie hearts painting and sculpting some cute little penguins! Other open ended creative exploration may include Friendship Bracelets, Squeegee Paintings, Spin/Spatter Paintings, Perler Beads, Shrinky Dinks, Zentangle Doodles, and more! Pizza and lemonade/water provided. Drop off starts at 5:45.

Contact Details
110 East University Avenue, Champaign, IL, USA
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